Sat Feb 8 7:26:51 IST 2025
All information provided on the public web site of Mirimar Networks is for informational purposes only and does not constitute a legal contract between Mirimar Networks and any person or entity unless otherwise specified. Mirimar Networks provides this information in the spirit of knowledge sharing and makes no representation as to its accuracy or fitness for any particular purpose. All information contained on the web site is subject to change without prior notice. Although Mirimar Networks will make every reasonable effort to present current and accurate information, Mirimar Networks does not guarantee it.
Any hypertext links to external Web sites are provided strictly as a courtesy and should not be construed as an endorsement of the content or views of the linked materials.
Mirimar Networks is committed to ensuring the success of open source solutions. Although we subscribe to the intent and philosophy of this movement, we cautiously but effectively promote its use as an option (and in some cases a replacement) to other technology. As the open source community makes strides in delivering quality products, we will continue to invest and support them. In the future as we continue to assess the available products we will make recommendations based upon the products merits and only those merits.
Mirimar Networks provides to you a custom package containing any (if any) custom software, graphics and/or hosting
services ("the Products"), and any (if any) consulting, training & support services relating to the Products ("Support Services") as is and
with all faults; To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, Mirimar Networks hereby disclaims with respect to the Products and Support Services all warranties
or conditions of or related to: title, non-infringement, merchantability, fitness or non-fitness for a particular purpose,
accuracy or completeness of responses, results, lack of negligence or lack of workmanlike effort, quiet enjoyment, quiet
possetion, and correspondence to description. The entire risk arising out of use or performance of the Products and any
Support Services remains with you.
In no event shall Mirimar Networks be liable for any special, incidental, indirect, or consequential damages whatsoever (including, but
not limited to, damages for: loss of profits, loss of confidential or other information, business interruption, personal injury, loss of privacy,
failure to meet any duty (including of good faith or of reasonable care), negligence, and any other pecuniary or other loss whatsoever) arising out of
or in any way related to the use, mis-use or inability to use the Products or the Support Services, or the provision of or failure to provide Support
Services, or otherwise under or in connection with any provision of this disclaimer, even if Mirimar Networks has been advised of the
possibility of such damages.
Mirimar Networks cannot be held responsible for the correctness, completeness or quality of the information provided in the Products or Support Services.
Therefore, liability claims regarding any damages caused by the use of any information provided, including information, which is incomplete or incorrect,
will be discarded.